Mad Libertine

What can I say that hasn't already been said before?
And what can I do that won't leave somebody keeping score?
And who can I be that isn't just some tired old cliche?
And how did I know that it was bound to turn out this way?

Fill in the blanks, that's what it takes;
When all around us leaves me tongue-tied.
Fill in the blanks, with all it makes;
To find the one that's lurking inside.

Time, a stitch saved nine, isn't everyday your surest bet;
And space, frontier finale, isn't everywhere that which you get;
And light, breaks window yon, doesn't everything illuminate;
And life, once leased anew, isn't wont to just cooperate.

Fill in the blanks, such chances take;
In neutral, a grinding of gears caught.
Fill in the blanks, genuine fake;
Reveals one wizened beyond years taught.

Fill in the blanks, once more awake;
Futures past return feeding today.
Fill in the blanks, for goodness sake;
Shit eats that grin glimpsed now come what may.


Shiny Happy Person (or Something Like That) - 2005-08-19
Having Trouble Saying What I Mean With Dead Poets and a Drum Machine - 2005-08-14
Let's Rock! - 2005-07-27
Knock Me Right Off My Feet - 2005-07-22
Play or You'll Never Know - 2005-07-14