You Wanted Today, But I Wanted Forever

caught most of go on vh1 last night. had no idea this was a movie that rocked. i mean, i always thought it rocked but i was clueless regarding its vh1 imprimatur. was inspired to update my favorites. please, this movie involves one of the most classic lines in all cinema, delivered by katie holmes no less. "gay men are so hot. it's tragic." indeed. but the real tragedy is when this gem is uttered by yours truly. just saying. scary that two of my five favorites movies (these days) star little miss katie. i need to get out more.


Shiny Happy Person (or Something Like That) - 2005-08-19
Having Trouble Saying What I Mean With Dead Poets and a Drum Machine - 2005-08-14
Let's Rock! - 2005-07-27
Knock Me Right Off My Feet - 2005-07-22
Play or You'll Never Know - 2005-07-14