Big Bam Boom

strange things are afoot at the circle k.

it is just a smidge before 5 am and a goodly portion of my neighbors are up and about. i'm sure the cops are on the way. you see, there has been accident. a car accident.

waking up to a loud bang is not necessarily a new thing for me. but before it was followed by a violent shaking of the earth. i woke with a start, sort like when you wake quickly from a dream where you're being chased. up the stairs. by the killer. that rush of adrenaline, your heart racing. i heard a male voice yell "don't even think about running!", followed by the squeal of tires. disoriented but intrigued, i stumbled to the window for a look-see. it was just getting light and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust. nothing looked different. had i dreamed it?

i wandered out into the sun room for a more panoramic view of the street below. in front of the building next door, a black car had been pushed up onto the curb, hitting an suv of some sorts, pushing IT out a bit into the street. as my brain began to process the possibilities to explain this vehicular arrangement, i was distracted by the sounds of a man, running down the opposite side of the street. how was he involved, i thought? was he the "don't even think about running?" guy? was he in one of the cars? what the hell was going on?

i guess i wasn't the only one thinking that, because just then i heard my own thoughts echo down the street, only with someone else's voice. "what the hell is going on?", inquired a female voice. well, not quite "inquired". that doesn't convey the proper tone or volume. how about "demanded"?

i stepped back inside, pulled on some pants and hovered at the window to see what would develop. a small crowd of neighborhood folks began to assemble. i couldn't hear very much, mostly speculation, as no one had seen much. sounded like my next door neighbor had seen a dark (black or blue) ford explorer speed off in reverse, backwards down our little one-way street. that would explain the running guy. he was running in the direction that the neighbor claimed the suv was headed in. the loud pop that woke me up? probably the blowing-out of the black car's front tire as it crunched up against the curb.

everyone has gone back inside, it seems. no cops. no nothing. simply notes left on both cars, i would imagine, with details and phone numbers and other helpful info for the owners, who either do not live on our street or were not aroused by the ruckus or are out of town. which ever way, they are in for a rude shock.

the sun is up now. once again, thwarted, in my quest for a decent night's sleep. oh well. maybe, i'll go for a run. yeah right. and maybe monkeys will fly out my butt.


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