Nude Version Of You

when i woke up (at 5:45 am; this waking up with the sun thing has got to stop), i felt the sticky in the air. my roommate will be out of town (again) until sunday, which gives me two options: run around naked or air conditioning, both of which have their particular appeal.

i like to do laundry early in the morning on a weekday. with only one washer and dryer in the building for 6 apartments, it is the best time to avoid any laundry traffic snarls. today (since i was up at 5:45 am) was a good day for laundry.

the sea-green short-sleeve button-up that i've cherished for years and is perfect for a sunny spring day with a smidge of humidity came out of the closet this morning with a stain front and center. damn it! this is one of my favorite shirts.

it is an iron-clad rule of the universe that every single good hair day must be immediately followed by an incredibly bad one. yesterday, i was hair model quality. today? let's just say that after doing my hair, i was so disgusted that i stuck my head back under the spigot in the tub, towelled dry and started all over. oh, and i was fully clothed during all this. no wet collar, though. i am a master of the radical hair-related saves. unfortunately, it didn't help.

the train was late, which was odd. last night, on the way home, there was a cubs game and the train was slow, slow, slow cause the express trains were stopping there too and they have to change tracks and blah blah blah. that "beep, beep, beep, your attention please" was about to throw me into a fit of rage. eventually, we made it to belmont, where i calmly and politely exited and walked home. nice night for it, except for the couple pushing a stroller who were impossible to pass. each time i slowed down as to not tailgate, they seemed to slow down even further. it was some vicious plot, i'm sure of it, the universe's negative feedback joke on me. but whatever.

don't you just hate people on the train who sit in the outside seat, and then refuse to move over, thereby making a seat available, even as the train begins to fill up with cranky commuters. actually, this morning, make that cranky sweaty commuters. these seat hogs are the same people who STAND to the left on escalators. oooooh! it makes me mad just thinking about it! to thicken the plot, the air conditioning was either not on or not working or both. i began to sweat profusely. yuck. in fact, my forehead was dripping.

just as i was about to sink into the depths of despair about my forlorn circumstance, i heard the woman next to me talking, over my headphones. i turned and realized that she was talking to me. "you look like you need this," she said, holding a portable mini-fan, which she then pointed directly at me. i began to smile. and then to chuckle softly to myself. i'm sure i looked like a classic subway crazy. ah, such a bright future.


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