
ok, so the television season is about to come to an exceptionally anti-climatic close. with all the season and series FEE-NAH-LAYS abound, i might just have to GET A LIFE this summer. how's that for a concept?

now that i have a real house and a real job, i'm free to pursue a real life. AND since this week, my roomie is gonna hook me up with the broadband cable connect to the innernet, anything is possible.

first up, in no particular order:

-get a digital camera (to make iron-ons of pics of cool shit around town)

-start writing my comic book (an epic saga has been kicking around my head for almost a decade now; can you draw?)

-join gym (feel better, look better, eat better, sleep better)

-learn more html and other web design-y stuff (to start own web-site and create portfolio)

-buy a blue suit (to find job that pays finn more)

-start anti-pride movement (isn't it gay to be gay?)

-plan to take the GRE (grad school is inevitable; resistance is futile)

-muck about with my roomie's keyboard (maybe i can finally realize my house version of the Sanford and Son theme)

-join Center for Neighborhood Technology (urban planning group emphasizing public/private partnership and transit-oriented development)

-color (i have this great big bible stories coloring book; there is nothing more satisfying than giving moses a turquoise beard or dressing king david in stunning purple pizazz)

that should probably do it for starters, you think?


Shiny Happy Person (or Something Like That) - 2005-08-19
Having Trouble Saying What I Mean With Dead Poets and a Drum Machine - 2005-08-14
Let's Rock! - 2005-07-27
Knock Me Right Off My Feet - 2005-07-22
Play or You'll Never Know - 2005-07-14