Dear Sally (Redux)

at lunch, i did some more thinking about that time travel bit. i must clarify. if i could go back one year, i wouldn't move to chicago IN JUNE. i would go about things differently. but i still would want to move here, for all the same reasons, regardless of what has happened in the last year.

that said, i've learned an exceptionally important lesson from all this: look before you leap. all my adult life i have done exactly the opposite. i leap. that's what i do. london. law school. sacramento. san francisco. and each time i have landed squarely on my feet. this time, i landed squarely on my face and each time i tried to stand up, bam! chin to the ground. at least these days, when i fall, i'm landing on my much-more-ample-than-before ass. that's an improvement.

maybe if i had stayed put in san francisco and waited out the recession and 9/11, i wouldn't have learned this lesson. maybe somewhere down the road, it will make all the difference. i mean, it already stopped me from packing it in and fleeing to new york. and of course, if i went back in time, i would have already learned this lesson, so there would be no worry about not learning it. okay, this is getting a little too meta. i guess what i'm saying is this: coming here when i did would only be a mistake if i refused to learn from it. and, boy oh boy, have i.


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