You Think You Know But You Have NO Idea

ok, so it's cheap, but you knew i'd use it sooner or later. admit it, you knew i would AND you wanted it. just admit it, ok. it's better that way. i promise.

not only is it cheap, it's true. so much has been REALLY going on over the last several weeks. interesting that the boyfriend would pose our public vs. private debate just as i've begun some significant personal revelations and disclosures round this here diaryland thingie. i won't be answering his questions here directly as some of you out there have (besides he knows MY answers), but you may be able to gather some clues from what i choose to reveal or not over the next several days. (please note that the link above is my very first linky-linky on this thing. yay me!)

besiiiiides, you ain't nuthin better to do, and i'm BORED!

sometimes you just have to quote axl rose, you know. speaking in song lyrics, a common characteristic of characters in bret easton ellis novels (i found myself doing this constantly during and after reading Glamorama), leaves no meaning undiscovered when used effectively.

or you can try speaking entirely in superlatives to communicate something very specific to your audience. you might want to seriously consider this, especially when outside (or inside) is dank and dreary. believe you me, no one can be sour when tossing around exclamation points!


meanwhile, i can't believe i wasted my mtv's diary riff on THIS entry. how pathetic.


Shiny Happy Person (or Something Like That) - 2005-08-19
Having Trouble Saying What I Mean With Dead Poets and a Drum Machine - 2005-08-14
Let's Rock! - 2005-07-27
Knock Me Right Off My Feet - 2005-07-22
Play or You'll Never Know - 2005-07-14